Explaining Inches of Water Column (Inch WC)

Inches of water column (inch WC) is a measurement unit for measuring static pressure. It’s a key metric for determining how much resistance air must overcome in order to reach the area it’s supposed to heat or cool. Excessive static pressure will prevent your HVAC from operating as efficiently or effectively as it should.

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What is a Linear Grille?

What is a Linear Grille?

Linear grilles are designed to cover sidewall, ceiling, and floor-based air diffuser/air supply and return systems. As with other types of grilles,...

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What is a Supply Diffuser?

What is a Supply Diffuser?

In HVAC systems, the air supply diffuser is a device that delivers and ventilates conditioned air in an area, mixes indoor air, and manages air...

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What is Value Engineering?

Value Engineering (VE) is an approach of analyzing and designing building systems -- such as HVAC -- to deliver the required performance/output at...

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