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What is WELL?

What is WELL?


The WELL Building Standard is administered by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) to assess, score, and certify a building’s impact on its occupants’ health and wellbeing.

The IWBI examines the following areas in order to certify a building under WELL:

  • Air Quality
  • Water Quality
  • Nourishment Options
  • Lighting
  • Fitness Options
  • Comfort
  • Mental & Physical Health

HVAC can affect multiple WELL metrics, notably air quality, comfort, and mental and physical health. By controlling factors such as noise, ventilation, ensuring sufficient thermal comfort for all occupants, and others, you can design an HVAC system that meets the IWBI’s requirements.

Furthermore, there is some overlap between WELL and LEED, with the latter scoring indoor air quality and thermal comfort. Thus, you can work towards both through just one HVAC program.

(Source: International Well Building Institute)

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