Joe Hullebusch

Explaining CFM HVAC
CFM HVAC is an airflow calculation made in cubic-feet-per-minute (CFM). It’s used to determine the cooling requirements of a building and, in turn,...

3 min read
Best Air Purifiers for Classroom for Covid-19
After nearly a year and a half of battling COVID-19, the country is ready to return to a more normal way of life. There’s a great deal of...

4 min read
The Best Energy Efficient Air Purifiers
So you’ve decided that you want to prioritize your health by cleaning that dirty air in your home or office - but you don’t want to rack up your...

4 min read
How Much Does an Air Handler Cost?
Whether you’re an engineer searching for the best way to regulate the air in an office building or a homeowner having to replace an HVAC unit,...

3 min read
Air Purifiers & Covid-19
As people seek any means to protect themselves and their families from the spread of Covid-19, many are asking, “Do air purifiers kill viruses” like...