6 Tips for Building a Raised Floor Over Concrete
A raised access floor -- also known as subfloors or false floors -- are floor panels that you would install in suspension over the actual floor or...
Floor, wall and ceiling mounted to meet your unique project design.
Auditorium and music hall projects present special challenges for comfort conditioning. AirFixture offers uniquely effective in-floor diffuser solutions that provide efficient cooling and ventilation. These silent low-velocity diffusers are specially designed to cool the breathing zone up to 5-6 ft above the floor, without causing uncomfortable drafts.
AirFixture has in-floor manual, VAV and wireless controls that are unique for the auditorium or arena application. They can accommodate thick slabs which are preferred for stadium seating.
AirFixture has executed many amazing projects. Click the link below for more![gem_button text="Download Presentation" corner="3" size="medium" size_tablet="medium" size_mobile="medium" icon_pack="elegant" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fairfixture.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F01%2FAirFixture_UFAD-Auditorium-Application-Presentation_V11242022.pptx" text_size="15"][gem_image src="38138"][gem_image src="38139"]
A raised access floor -- also known as subfloors or false floors -- are floor panels that you would install in suspension over the actual floor or...
There has been a dramatic rise in the use of underfloor air distribution (UFAD) systems over the past few decades. With benefits including improved...
Why Casinos and UFAD are a Good Fit Casinos, often synonymous with glamour, entertainment and bustling hospitality, are continuously seeking...