3 min read
Joe Hullebusch

3 min read
8 Expert Tips for Casino Architecture Design
Casinos rely on their patrons to drive revenue, but it wouldn’t be accurate to restrict the revenue generating potential to just their core business....

3 min read
7 High Rise Building Design Considerations
Be it due to different use cases, a myriad of local regulations, and the emergence of industry standards (such as LEED), the ‘standard’ for high rise...

Explaining Sound Transmission Class
The sound transmission class (STC) is an integer rating for measuring and classifying how well a building wall or structure controls or reduces sound.

Explaining BAS HVAC
BAS HVAC refers to the systems necessary for connecting your HVAC system to your wider building automation system (BAS). Specific BAS HVAC components...

What is AHU?
‘AHU’ is short for ‘air handling unit.’ It is a system that warms-up, cools, filters, and/or humidifies as well as circulates air in your home or...

Explaining Inches of Water Column (Inch WC)
Inches of water column (inch WC) is a measurement unit for measuring static pressure. It’s a key metric for determining how much resistance air must...

What is Stratified Air?
Stratified air -- also known as thermal stratification -- occurs when cool, dense air sinks while the warm and thin air rises.